45 Mins of Fun

Episode 204 - 45 Mins of Fun

[00:00:00] Hey guys, it's really, see, I'm supposed to go last, like my whole shtick is gonna go last, but you're the one who decided to go first because we're just gonna sit here and stare at each other anyway. This has just surprised me. What the best podcast? Can you hear me? What? I got you. Hang on. How about national?

Uh, here we go. Got a fucking will, gets a fucking toy and all we gotta do is fuck around. Now, this is the best podcast. We're three, sometimes four, but most often two or three guys sit around and, uh, read chat. G p t fucking, uh, essays and, uh, That's about it. I don't fucking [00:01:00] care. Cause it's four to five minutes of fun.

That's right. Four to five minutes. That's all we get. Four. Please. I wish I'm tired. I wish it was only Yeah, we could put out like 20 episodes at night. Yeah, we just record quarterly. Yeah. Maybe we should record the episode in five minute segments and then release it as every week. Release 10 Xs. Get our fucking download numbers to the roof.

Yeah, that's fucking dope. We're doing that. So we, uh, we took the boy to go see Mario today, my boy. And uh, dude, that shit was fantastic. Nice. Yeah. I was, uh, very impressed. Was it as good as, uh, John Lake Zamo and Bob Hoskin? Almost. Almost. Okay. Oh God, no, man. It was. It was fucking great. It really was like they, uh, they checked all the boxes.

It was fan service, but not too much. And there were Easter eggs all [00:02:00] over the fucking thing. And like that, you know, I mean, not really spoiling anything, but there's a fucking car chase scene on the Rainbow Road, so. Oh, does it play that song? Oh, yeah. But music, that's almost as much fan service as Picard's been given us lately.

Whoa. I still haven't watching. I'm gonna spoiler for if you don't fucking watch it, like seriously, and I'll, I'll, I'll absolutely condone that. Yeah. It's that fucking game. You're on my team. Yeah, you're making us wait now, like, but Picard is that fucking good. I cannot wait to about it. Also, Tony gets really mad when we talk about Star Trek for an entire 45 minutes.

I know. He brought it up. He did like 15 times. Oh really? Yeah. He doesn't like it. Is that, is that worth the spoiler to you, dude.

Shadow band Kinda. Uh, I like, I like [00:03:00] Tony Tony. We, um, as a show have decided that you can no longer have your little, you know, the band you go out and play gig with is can no longer be called Rust Bucket. You have to cha name it Shadow Band, like Shadow. It has been, it has been, uh, decreed. So yeah. And if you get a tattoo of this is Shadow Ban, I will 100% pay you every month.

What you pay the Patreon. Oh, and that is a promise. I love it. I don't know if I believe me, but I'm gonna go ahead and promise it.

You might actually do it. You might have the fucking pay him.

Uh, yeah man, it was, uh, it was fun, dude. We watched, uh, watched the movie and fucking, I made the fucking, possibly the nerdiest. Nerdiest Facebook marketplace post I've ever made. [00:04:00] Oh, really? I get, or, or marketplace purchase rather, not post. Oh. Uh, dude. So we went, I, I was waiting for my wife to try something on my fucking Old Navy today.

Right. So was scrolling you were fucking an Old Navy today? No, absolutely not. You've never done that. I mean, that's really where you go to do that. I mean, no, I've never, never had sex in an old Navy. Ah, you're missing out. Exactly. Yeah. Like in the children's section or No, I mean, you gotta have some class go to like the, um, the knockoff like, uh, N F L T-shirts they have.

Well, speaking of N F L not for long cruising through, uh, yeah, keep making calls like that. God damn Jerry Glen, national fucking treasure. But, uh, so I was scrolling through Marketplace and a pair of fucking packers. Nikes pops up for like 25 bucks or 30 bucks and I'm like, I Wow. Yes. I'll what? [00:05:00] I'm coming.

You're up. Yeah. Now I own a, a pair of packers, fly wires, cuz I'm a big fucking dork. And, and then your size at least. Yeah, dude, they were at my side and the kid wore 'em, uh, it was her sons and he wore 'em for his senior pictures, and that's the only time he ever wore 'em. Wow. He wore 'em one time. Yeah.

Nice deal. Speaking of N F L and chat, G P T, I just saw a post that says, Chat GT's, top 10 quarterbacks of all time, and number one, they put Joe Montana. He's, I mean, he's a top quarterback in top 10, but he's not number one of all time. Yes he is. I would take him over anybody. If I wanted to win a Super Bowl, I would take him over anybody, not me.

He doesn't have the most Superbowl wins, so doesn't matter, and didn't have the best statistics. Those are the numbers. Those are the numbers. Number two, they put anybody. Number two, they put Tom Brady Apparently cheating counts. Fair enough though. Number three, Johnny Unitas. What the fuck? [00:06:00] Like, I'm old, but I'm not even old enough to know.

I was gonna say, Doug might actually remember you playing. I mean, I know Johnny unit, but I, I didn't really at number four, Peyton Manning. No. Number five. Brett Farf. I'm biased. Also biased, but, but I want you to see number six, Joe Namath. No. Now here's where it pisses me off. This should be top three.

Number seven is Dan Marino. They put Namath. He, he was the most overrated back in history and unit us ahead of Danino the most overrated quarterback in history. Ah, yeah. Overrated. Underrated, you mean? Yes, overrated. You know, damn Moreno set fucking 2020 NFL stats in 1990. I understand. He never won a fucking Super Bowl.

Doesn't matter. It's a team sport came close. It's a team sport as an individual ranking. Never came close. Never even came close. Actually, he did come close this very first year in the league. He was in the Super Bowl. Um, then they, the round of list is Troy Aikman, O Graham, and Roger Staubach. [00:07:00] Right. Aikman?

No, none of these, like the only people that shouldn't Well chat G p t I mean, we're getting, we're getting angry about a list made by a fucking ai. I know. We just, it just came through. We need to dial it back a little bit. I think I just, I liked, uh, I liked watching Aikman play that motherfucker. I'll tell you what, one thing I noticed about Aikman that I did not notice during this playing career, that motherfucker has the biggest hands of Anish.

Yeah, he does. Yeah. Does, does he? Yeah. Like when he's, yeah. Watches, when he's doing his, his fucking Monday night football or whatever. Like when he talks and puts his hand out to the camera, it's like, oh yeah, that motherfucker has some goddamn like snatchers, man. I'm like, what the fuck? Snatchers those hands absolutely swallowing the dick.

Oh shit. Nah, he, he would have to use two fingers on a dick. Man. There's that.

These are huge dudes. Crazy. Huge, huge. Speaking of somebody with small hands, huge. That's very true. That dude had the tiniest hands of anyone. [00:08:00] It's always so great when he, when he raises his arm off to wave. Yeah. His suits are always not, they're not well tailored. No. So the sleeves are always really big.

Yeah. Cause he has such small hands. He had tiny little baby hands. He looks like a, he looks like a child in an adult suit. And the funny part is, even in those tiny hands, his dick is still tiny. Right? Wonder how our jail, I wonder how jail's treating him. He's not there yet. Not yet. Not soon enough. Soon enough.

Um, rich white people don't go to jail. They do. That's very true. I don't know. Todd Ley went to jail. Yeah. I don't know who that is. He's a reality show guy. Watch show's. Pretty funny. Cheated on his taxes. It's funny. Uh, his son worked for one of the fucking food delivery companies that I used to apparently, cuz I saw a news story where he got arrested for trying to stab his boss.

Oh fuck. And I'm like, ed and his fucking mugshot dude. He had like the [00:09:00] shirt, like McClain, who gives you fuck. It's a, it's a, uh, A huge food service company and I was like, dude, yeah. I fucking know. I know, exactly. I get it. Wow. You gotta have that filter, bro. Like, but definitely you talking about pissing you off, that fucking shit will piss you off.

I mean, we don't, we don't condone violence here. I'm just surprised with podcasts. But, uh, I mean, we kind of do like Yeah, I, I'm just saying like, I mean, I live in Florida. Well, that's true. Do. I don't know if I told you guys about this last time I got, this is totally off topic, but this is where we're at. I got this fucking Gator frameworks, uh, boom arm for 20 bucks off the marketplace.

My fucking That's fantastic. That's the same arm I have, man. 20 bucks is so great. I don't know what this piece of shit is. I got it at Guitar Center out of the clearance bin. Yeah, dude. The other one, I got one of those fucking yard sales stores. You know what I mean? Oh yeah, yeah. I was thinking and I thought, well, fuck, it works like it's fine.[00:10:00]

It's fine. And I mean, and it's fine or whatever, but man, this is totally different, right? This thing's fucking nice. Imagine that you actually buy something, you know, spend some money and some shit. It's like good quality. And the thing is, even, even if you were to buy it new, it's 120 bucks, I think. Like it's not even crazy expensive as these things go.

That's, that's sucks Fucking boom arm, dude. I understand that. I'm just saying it's not a lot when you use sounds, is it? I just realized all three of us use our boom arm in different ways. Like mine goes up and then under Doug's goes over and then Wills are straight out. Yeah, mine's at, yeah, mine's at like a 90 degree.

Yeah. Mine's like the, the standard it comes like my microphone comes up and Doug's microphone hangs down and the wills is like straight at an angle. It's kind of interesting to see the differences in how people do things. Mm-hmm. But yeah, this thing's fucking dope dude. Like I'm, yeah. Now I might actually, if I had to have another one, cuz we, you know, we do sharing maps live.

Yeah. And I'm really thinking about ponying up and actually getting. Another one. Like you go, I think I wanna get a different mic [00:11:00] because this compressor mic picks up, or condenser, picks up literally everything in my whole fucking house. Dude, I'm telling you man, this, uh, I, I spent a fucking $85 on this, uh, road pod mic.

Yeah. And I'm very happy with it. I think I'm gonna get the, the road protester. I also had to, I chose a dynamic mic because, All, I mean, in a fucking garage. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. That's why I wanna get a dynamic. I have the, uh, the N T one A right now. Um, but it's, that's why I have this piece of foam back here because it protects all the outside fucking noise from coming in and just, and like filling this constantly.

Yeah. It's amazing how much, uh, how much of a difference. And I got, you know, I do, I've actually been recording vocals. I mean, shit's going pretty good with this music stuff. I, I kind of teamed up with, uh, One of my buddies from back in the day, man. And we've got a couple tracks. This dude's like a, he's man, he's so fucking good.

Like he's too good to not [00:12:00] be doing this shit for a living. But anyway, yeah, so I've actually been like recording vocals and so I'm having to kind of fuck with that to get it to, cuz it doesn't matter cause I can't sing. So, I mean, I'm gonna distort everything and fucking run it through autotune anyway.

Right. But, uh, I got a, uh, 58, uh, SM 58 A. It's the beta. It's got the blue, it's got neodymium uh, magnets in it. And this is fucking, I know we're gonna, nobody gives a shit about microphones, but we're gonna talk about it anyway, dude, I'm thoroughly fucking impressed and I read on it, and apparently it's like Bono's favorite mic.

Like all the U2 shit is recorded, like his studio live, everything. He uses that microphone. And, uh, man, it is, it is really, that's a, that's it's fucking dope, dude. I mean, it hurt my feelings to pay, like, you know, 120 for a fucking SM 58, but, It's, uh, I'm very impressed. No, I think the only difference is the, the magnet.

Yeah. And I've been learning, and I've been reading about all this [00:13:00] shit and did you know the only there, the only difference in the SM 58 and the fucking SM seven B that everyone uses. Like for those of you that don't know, an SM seven B is the microphone that you see whenever you see anyone recording a podcast.

Like the black one. The big, the big motherfucker looks like this, but it's way more expensive. Yes. Yeah. It's only fucking SM 71 or something. This is the M seven. No, what's the other one though? It's like SM 71. Is that the S? No. Seven SM seven B SM seven B. Yeah. The only difference between that and a 58 is a 58 has a transformer inside that A, where you don't have to use a cloud lifter.

Okay. And it gives it more gain. And you can fucking, I was watching, you know, DIY podcast shit, and you can fucking boil, like take the car, the, the capsule off the capsules are identical. You can take the capsule off of an SM 58, boil it so the glue gets loose, and, and pull that fucking transformer out of the mic and clip the wires.

And you've gotta fucking. SM seven. [00:14:00] It's crazy. Really? Holy shit. People are so fucking It's motherfuckers. Yeah, I know it. Crazy. Anything to save some money, bro. Mm-hmm. But I mean, they put, they fucking put that motherfucker a pot on the stove and boil it and you get in there and pull the fucking transformer out and click.

You're having lobster tonight? No, we're cooking mics. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm cooking my microphones. But yeah, it's crazy, dude. And, and look at the fucking price difference, man. Oh man. It's crazy. You could buy 58 for like 50 bucks all day. Yeah. And those S two seven s are like $350. Yeah. Yeah. But I mean, the housing looks cooler on the, it does look cooler.

It does look way cooler. Yeah, you're right. You don't look like a fucking bum. Yeah, yeah. I've got a 57 around here somewhere. I don't know where it's at. Nest. These are great, dude. I got a couple of those. Yeah, there is. Yeah. I got a 58 lane around somewhere. 50 sevens are like for Mikey Hams is like one of the best things you can get.

Yes, man. That's, uh, that's the standard, bro. They're fucking, uh, Brian uses something different. I, I can't remember. He uses like a, uh, [00:15:00] a different brand. I, I, I used to have a Sennheiser e something, E 90 something. That might be what he uses a Sennheiser. It's like a little square fucking thing. Like a little flat square.

Yeah. Hmm. Oh yeah, absolutely. Did you like lay over the top of the anmp? Yeah. Yeah. You could lay it over our, or, you know, put it on a stand, like a fucking human being, not an animal.

Yeah, man. I'm, uh, I'm, it is so weird because I used to hate all this shit, but now I'm like, fucking fascinated. That's an interesting question. When you mic your amps, how, how do you put your mic? Me? Yeah. Typically I, I'll, I'll axis maybe like an inch away. Give it a little bit of room to breathe. Yeah. I kind of feel like, like from the center of the cone down, maybe three inches.

Yeah. And over two, but I, I pull like two or three inches off the amp. Yeah. Yeah. And, um, I don't know, uh, fucking fuzz mugger, dude. I don't know if you've ever had these kind of conversations with Jason Fuzz. Mugger, but it's fucking ridiculous. Yeah. She got out. He's not great ass [00:16:00] and great ears too. This motherfucker will tell, like, I, I've fucking made a video.

I was like, check out this. When I got this Ameg amp that I fucking got cheap or whatever, so check this thing out. And I micd it and he's like, do you have the mic? Yeah. And it was like exactly where the fucking mic was. And I was like, man, fuck dude. That's pretty awesome. Yeah, I do. Yeah. I was like, why are you doing what you're doing?

The thing, it drives me nuts, man. It's like, My, my friend Casey that I've been making music with, like, dude, you what? Because I'm sending him like rough draft ideas. Yeah. And this motherfucker sends me back like fucking completed songs. I'm like, like he's totally just ta, you know what I mean? Like Yeah. I was just like, I, yeah, they arranging and I don't know, man.

It's crazy. Oh man. Yeah. I'm, I'm all about that kind of like smooth guitar tone sometimes. So like, if I, I know if I put my, my mic too close to the amp, it gets too harsh of its tone. Um, yeah, you, um, you know where I had [00:17:00] learned a lot about this shit and you're gonna be mad, but from modelers, like from the heli shit, you can adjust Yeah.

Cause you got a little visual imagery and stuff in it. Yeah. And you can adjust in the irs like how far away the mic is from the fucking amp and like where it is and shit. Yeah. And, and then you could totally tell the difference. I'm like, okay. Alright. Look, I'm, I'm at the point where I'm almost ready to just get something to make it easy.

Cause I don't really care about the fucking tone that much. It's so fucking easy, bro. Like, this shit makes it so fucking easy. I sold my amp today. Did you? Cause I'm using the fucking, I'm using the HX through my monitors. I don't need the amp anymore. I'm telling you, dude. I still have like four or five amps, but I, I still want to get, I just kind of wanna get like something also to run straight from.

I have, I have one fucking, uh, I have a rolling super cube from the late seventies. Really? Really is a fucking sleeper dude. Honestly. Yeah. Like Super Cube 60, like this thing will fucking scream. Yep. But, uh, But I mean, I, what the fuck? Like, I don't, I don't, I don't fucking play out. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah.[00:18:00]

And that would be, and even if I did, honestly, like, I feel like at this point I could fucking, I would, I would rather have something small because I don't wanna carry shit. Yep. I couldn't tell you how many fucking like heavy ass, fucking 8,000 pound fucking fender amps that I towed it upstairs and fucking threw alleys and.

Nah, dude, fuck all that. My problem is, and the reason I just don't care anymore, is it doesn't matter how good my tone sounds coming outta the amp, the fucking sound guy's gonna fuck it up because he's not gonna understand how to fucking mix it. Right. You don't need to mix it. Just lift the volume up and down.

You don't need to fucking gain it. You don't need to gate it, you don't need to compress it. Right. Like leave it alone. Cause it sounds fucking amazing going into that microphone and then you just turn the volume up and down. Don't run the gain up and down. Cause the gain's just gonna distort. I hate the fucking people don't understand anything different level and gain like, like that's one of my biggest pet peeves is the people who do not.

And really, I mean, that's what you know when you're fucking volunteer, [00:19:00] that's what's gonna happen. Yeah. You know what I mean? And I've learned. I'm still learning. Cause I, I picked up this fucking mixer, like a guy had a task cam model 16 on the marketplace for $300. All right. And I paid two 50 for the zoom that I had, which was about what they're worth.

And like, this fucking mixer should have been $700. And I saw it and I was like, I, I have to fucking buy it. So I went and bought it and immediately posted the Zoom. I was like, Do I need this? Absolutely not. Oh, no sir. I have no business owning fucking anything like this. Yeah. But I'm learning because it has like a full EQ and it has all this other shit like, you know, effects and compression and it like, it has it on the board, you know what I mean?

And yeah, you don't fucking need to do that shit like live. Why would you, uh, speaking of Z sounds, also, uh, as of the beginning of this month, the roader has finally paid off. Fuck yeah. Yeah. Fucking year payments and it paid off. Excellent. That's very good [00:20:00] news. Yeah, very good news. Yeah. I swear to God, that is such a great fucking business model.

It is. And the only reason I have anything remotely decent. Me too. Yep. Well, I mean, I had decent shit before that, but like, I wish I would've, it's actually the only reason I have anything cheap because I now, I just can look at cheap guitars. I'm like, I can afford three bucks a month. Alright, well, I mean, with the exception of the Harley Benton, the, the other three guitars are all from sound.

Well, I mean, like, I, you know, I have, I try to have a rule like no toys on credit. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. Well, this isn't credit, right? There's no interest. So I don't feel as bad and it, you know, yeah. There's no credit. I'm not spending fucking, yeah. I'm not spending fucking money. It's not hurting my credit.

Like 15. Yeah, it's $15 processing fee. And the prices, the prices are not higher. It's not like they're charging more money like DoorDash does on the fucking food. You get delivered. They don't charge more money than Sweetwater or anybody else. So, and, and the cool thing is if you see something somewhere else for less [00:21:00] money, You hit 'em up with an email and they'll lower the price for you.

Nice. Yeah, I've done that with three items that I've bought and the, and they lowered the price, like on the HX dump, it was a hundred dollars more, and then they lowered it by a hundred bucks. I emailed them and they dropped my price instantly. The other thing I found on recently, um, if you, if you want, I mean, you can do this infinitely, you can move your fucking payment back.

Like if you don't wanna make the Yes you can. And then don't have a fucking question. You just go into your account and say, schedule, reschedule, payment the next payment, and it'll fucking push all your payments back. Reschedule it. You can, you can divide it up now. It, it doesn't have to be monthly anymore.

Yeah, you do it weekly. If you want, you want smaller payments every week. That's fine. What? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. You go on. Change the whole, damn fuck, bro. Yeah. Here you go. You just change everything around. I, I did it with a couple of my larger payments. I made 'em weekly and they just come out. It's less money and, and it's still paid off in the same amount of time.

You're not extending any time. Yeah. The good thing, the good thing honestly is that that fucking company doesn't have like a lot of modular [00:22:00] stuff. Like no, they don't. Yeah, they don't. I know. Which is fucking good because I would be in fucking trouble. Oh no. I, the, listen, I, I think I owned the little that they have.

I think I owned, so Yeah, I know what you're saying. You're right. I would be in trouble. But yeah, I've gotten, uh, I, I've got this. You guys may or may not care, but. I got a module right that is from Stren and it's called the AA one. And this thing is so fucking cool because it allows you to run a guitar into the modular synth.

Hmm. Oh wow. So like all the modular effects that I have, I can use with the guitar and this fucking Hector thing, I bought a Poly Effects Hector. They have a guitar pedal called Deebo. That's the same, uh, the same thing, right? This is just the Euro Rack version and it's so fucking dope, dude. Like it does everything.

Like it's fucking great. And it looks like I had Azo. I had a Zoya, and I like the Zoya. The [00:23:00] Zoya is awesome, right? But this thing, you can see it like it has a touchscreen, which I'm fucking old and I like it. Oh, I know you showed me that dude. And I was like, yeah. But I like being able to fucking see what you're doing.

Yes. And Zoya is just lights, like Yeah. Right. And it's very intuitive. Like, it's not, it's really not hard, but this is, this is much easier for me. Mm-hmm. And, uh, but this fucking module allows me to plug, and the fucking hector comes with a module in it where you can, it changes. Pitch to cv, which means basically that I can control my sense with my guitar, like without any special pickups or nice, like I can use my guitar like a fucking trigger and just play the fucking sounds for the guitar.

I'm so fucking excited. That's great. And it, and that same fucking thing. And it's a cheap ass module, dude. It was like, I got it for like 80 bucks on sale and it like, it also attenuates because Euro Rack shit is way hotter. Then, yeah. Then instrument input or line input. And then it also makes it to where you can run the Euro rack into the [00:24:00] mixer without it fucking blowing shit up.

Hmm. Nice. As far as volume goes, it's cool, man. I don't know. This whole thing's fucking neat and this has taught me more about like signal flow and fucking, you know, chain, like signal chain shit than any pedal thing I've ever fucked with. Oh, me too. I mean, as, as basic as I am with this stuff, I mean, It goes back to my, you know, my old electronics days cuz it's so straightforward.

It's so easy to understand. Yeah. Yeah. At least the basics are easy to understand, you know? Yeah. The module to module into module and the, and the voltage control and that kind of stuff. It, it, it was easy for me to get my head around so I, I'm understanding it more and like I've already got the hang of the ones I have, or I know what one thing.

Things are changing and stuff. You know, Doug, you're gonna be in trouble. If you ever go into modular, not in trouble, it's actually, you're gonna be at a great advantage because the community, I've found is super fucking cool, right? Most of this shit is, uh, open source. Yes. It's so, it's all out there and everything is available [00:25:00] as a kit.

Like you can, like most things, you can just buy, like if you find a module that you like, Unless it's like really heavy dsp, like a lot of proprietary shit. Yeah. Like it will be available in a kit and you just build it for fucking $200 less. Dude, they Exactly. There's a company called Synth Cube. They're outta Walham, Massachusetts.

They're about an hour from me. Yeah, I saw them. Uh, yeah, they bought, they're the ones who bought Small Bear, small Bear Electronics. Oh yeah. That's where a lot of you know. Yeah. Well, Joe knows Small Bear. I Ms. Small Bear. I know, but No, they're back. Are they? They Synth Cube bought them and they're back open.

They're open. Okay. Nice. Oh yeah. Yeah. So. Synth Cube runs, um, monthly, um, shows one day shows like pop-up shows at at local, you know, hotels and shit. They rent the ballroom for a day and then they have weekly at night. It's not easy for me to get there. Like I said, it's over an hour away. But they have weekly like, uh, web, no seminars and shit.

Where people just get together and share ideas and stuff. So I'm definitely gonna start getting [00:26:00] into that. You know, fucking, uh, mutable instruments is one of the bigger ones, and I don't know if they're still, if he's still actively making shit. Yeah. But, uh, dude, all their shit is open source. Like, that's cool.

Like, you buy, you buy their fucking one, like their oscillator module is called plats and Yeah, it's like fucking three or $400, but Right. It's, the shit's out there, like you can just, they're clones of it. Yeah. All over the place like this, uh, exactly. This poly effects thing that I have. It came with all of their shit on it.

Like it just comes with it. Right? Well, yeah. Sin Cube sells, uh, DIY kits on the modular stuff. I think Weston is one of the companies that makes them, and I think that's the name. Yeah. Um, and uh, they, you know, they, I mean, yeah, it depends. They have simple, they have simple oscillators and stuff are like 65 bucks, so yeah, it gets higher, but.

I like, I, I like the tinkering aspect of it too. I like being, you know, being able to assemble it myself. Yeah. Cuz that's like, I, you know, that's how I got started and all this shit. So the guy that I bought this shit from was [00:27:00] telling me, he telling me about all the DIY shit and, uh, he was, uh, I bought the case from whatever man.

And that's the another thing, like the both things I bought, the people that I bought the shit for him been super cool. They're like, dude, if you need anything, like I bought this, this Hector thing off a reverb. And the guy or, and the guy's like, dude just messaged me if you got any questions about how to work it.

Yeah. And he's like, And I have, and he's like, oh yeah, just do this, do this, blah, blah blah. That's great. But uh, but yeah, he was telling me that um, the only reason he quit fucking with it is cuz his guitar gig like took off and he was gonna be gone a lot, so. Oh, okay. He just sold all his shit. Yep. Yep. Yeah.

He was like, yeah, if you can he, he said he bought a fucking microscope, like a U USB microscope so he could do surface mount. Yeah. Oh, shit. There's a lot of, the shit is surface mount, so I know thing. I've never fucked with it. I don't like it. It's, my eyes aren't, my eyes are too fucked up to do it. I can't, I can't.

I know you get the microscopes and stuff to do it, but I, it's just too much for me. My hands just don't. Well, my, my hands too. I agree. Joe. My, I'm not dextrous enough to do that shit. I'm really hand looks also [00:28:00] gigantic fucking hands. Makes it really hard. Well, I have tiny, tiny little hands, but that still doesn't matter.

My fingers don't work. They're not dextrous enough. Yeah. I don't know. I've never fucked with it. I, I mean, I've never fucked with any of it. Just like a couple kits, like pedal kits, but it was all like Yeah. You know, through whole shit. Right, exactly. I made that, uh, qua verrado trillo from the kit. And it worked for like two weeks.

That was the first pedal I ever made. Really? Yeah. Yep. First first kit I ever built was that, man, that was a, those instructions were fucking great, dude. I know. Yes. Yep. Yeah. But yeah, my shitty soldering fucked up the power supply thing, so like I could totally buy their power supply just heavy. Yeah. It's funny, I haven't touched my pedals in a long time.

I haven't built anything in a really long, me neither. Zero desire. I have zero. I, it's just, yeah. I don't know why gonna shutting the website down, like, I'm just felt like doing it. I have no desire to do it right now. And I, and I got thousands of [00:29:00] dollars in components sitting here. Oh dude, I, I don't even think about that.

I'll get depressed. You're too fucking depressed, you know? But, um, yeah, I haven't built in a while and I haven't just fucking play guitar. Well, I haven't either now. Exactly. I haven't either. I, I picked up the guitar for the first time today and I, it's gotta be two months, no shit. Just to make sure the amp was working before the guy came to buy it.

I just wanted, so I plugged it in. I played a little bit, but I haven't played, cuz I've been messing with the si, the synth stuff. And I, I just haven't played, you know, um, I'm gonna, uh, I wanna start playing more honestly, dude, cuz I'm miss like in, in this this fucking module I have has like, you can load IRSs and it has amp sims and shit cuz it's a guitar player.

Yeah. So I'm hoping, well, I mean, one of the problems with me is that I, I'm trying to do too much. I can't keep up with what I'm trying to do. Like I'll start, no, seriously, I, I decide I wanna learn something, but then I decide I wanna learn something else and I decide I wanna [00:30:00] learn something else. And I got all this equipment and I'm not learning to use any of it because I'm bouncing from thing to thing.

I got, I gotta pick it and I gotta learn it and then maybe move on to something else. So Is that, is that dopamine hit, bro? Oh fuck, dude. You don't even, oh God. God, him, it's allome. I mean, I'm a fucking, uh, I'm, I'm a gear nerd as well, so, and it, you really have to force your fucking self. And honestly, like doing this stuff where I've actually been making music has really helped with that because Yes, it get, you know what I mean?

Cause you want to kind of keep like somewhat of a uniform sound. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. You know what I mean? So it, cause I'm not like, uh, I don't know. I'm not, I'm not prolific enough. Uh, you know, like a fucking Ween record where there's 30 songs and they're all different songs. Right. Like, that's not what I'm after.

You know what I mean? No, I know, I know, I know what you're saying. I totally know. But yeah, so I mean, I've been really focusing on at least learning. I'm still the, I'm still just making noise. It's all I'm doing. I'm not [00:31:00] recording or anything. I've recorded a couple of things just to see if I could do that, because that's, that's the problem.

That's a whole nother thing I have to learn is recording, using the, using the fucking doll to record shit. Yeah, because I don't know how to do that either, so it's like same. But if I start trying to do both, I'm not gonna be good at either. That's the way I'm looking at it. It's just the way my brain works.

So I'm focusing on making the noises I wanna make with the synth, and then I will work on recording and I'll teach that to myself. You know, it's a lot I've found. And I mean, Joe went to school for this shit, but I have found that doing the kind of stuff that I'm doing is easier in that you are not micing a lot of shit.

Yeah, definitely. It takes the exactly, the component out of it, you know what I mean? Like yes, everything is is already kind of the same level. It's so much easier. Yeah. Yeah. Everything's saying, I know what you're saying. And then it doesn't depend on the room too. I mean, you can fucking me in a different room and have it sound completely different.

Right. Right. And like these, the, when I started running everything through a mixer, that was really the fucking turning point because [00:32:00] like the mixer, you just, fuck, you can get the levels right, right. Then, dude and yeah. Either and like this one and the one I had before actually has an SD card and you can, it's a recorder as well, so you can record the shit straight to the SD card and then just put that motherfucker in the computer and drag the files over into your doll.

Yeah, I just don't, AER, I need you to understand something. Will, I need you to understand what you fucking just did to me. Because now guess who needs a mixer? I need a fucking mixer. Thank you. Fuck face when I don't need a mixer. Cause I wouldn't have protester use it when I get our individual tracks, but I'm like, wait a minute, he's on to something.

This son of a bitch is on something. This is what I need. And like the, the zoom that I had was like two 50. Like they're cheap. Yeah. This fucking thing. And, and they all do the same thing. Like they, when they, when you record it on here, like it records, it breaks it up individual tracks, right? Like you have each track.

And then like as files, and then it also has like a mix. Yeah. Okay. So if you just wanna, so if you're just recording, like the whole thing, it'll just have a mix. So [00:33:00] like, I don't know about the Roader Joe, but like say if I was recording this show on this mixer, I couldn't necessarily adjust you two's volume because you two like the.

The people who are on the computer come into one track. Yeah. The two of you come into one track with me. But the, the trick to fixing that is when you get into your d da just add a normalizing effect. Right. And it'll Yeah, it'll, yeah, and it'll balance it out. That's what I usually do for, for everyone else, because like, otherwise you guys have volumes.

Fucking way too sporadic. Um, but when this gives me back, it gives me a master mix, like a master left and right, and then it gives me individual tracks for everything. So yeah, it's the same thing then. Yeah. Mm-hmm. So, uh, like that has really, that, that has helped me with recording because, and especially with all this modular shit I've been fucking with.

Like, I can just jam and if I find something's cool, man, I just hit record on this bitch and then I got like a little jam. I can just drag it over into the thing later and fuck with it. You know what I mean? You can add different effects. Yeah. Like I got all these plugins and shit. Mm-hmm. I [00:34:00] still don't know like how to mix.

Like as far as like making it sound good. Yeah. Like I think I got it. You know what I mean? Like this sounds okay. Then I sent shit to my friend Casey, and he sends it back and I'm like, that, that did not sound okay. Well the difference is you mixed it. He mastered it well. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Mm-hmm. And I'm trying to learn to do that too.

Like there, and I mean, I'll, but I say learn to do that. I'm just using fucking mastering software. Yeah. Yeah. Which all it does is analyze the song and develops like a fucking. It's all, it's all eq, dude. That's all it is. Yeah. Like, and it, and it just fucking analyzes what you're playing and then it bam, like, uh, what is it?

Fucking ozones iso topo zones, which apparently is a pretty, uh, commonly used one. Mm-hmm. I don't know, man. It's fun. Like I, you know, it's, uh, I recommend going down that rabbit hole cuz it's, well, definitely it's funny. I mean, and it's fucking useful. You know what I mean? Right. Like you can, you can either do your own shit or if you get [00:35:00] good enough, man.

I mean, amateur mix, you know, amateur mastering, I was talking to Adam Rohr, dude, they paid like two 50 for somebody to master their ep. Wow. You know what I'm saying? And I mean, you know, realistically it was like four songs, like a 30 minute ep, so you're looking at maybe two hours of work. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaking of people who uh, you know, pay like two 50 for, you know, mastering, right? No, this is definitely not, there's no question about that. So you have a podcast that is better at mastering things? Yes, we do. It's cinematic things. Yeah, but it ain't this one. So yeah, so we got some people to thank. They are our Patreon members who love them.

We really do. Cause they give us money every month. Not, we don't love them specifically cuz of that. Well, I guess maybe we do. But they're good humans too. So we're gonna read their names. We're gonna start off with Century New York's finest. Jason Fuzz Munger here. She got a greats and gradi [00:36:00] years. Yes, the uh, the best man in the entire state of Ohio, Mr.

Jamie Davis. Woo. You suck. Chew, chew. That's also high praise cuz Dave Chappelle lives in Ohio. Oh fuck, Dave Sheel. Anyway, um, from the 60 Cycle Hum podcast and a very own resident fact checker. Mr. Steve Brow. Shut up, Wesley. Yes, our occasional co-host and the co-host of the Second Button podcast in the East East Coast DNA Podcast.

Our favorite Canadian and Walsh Get fuck. Fuck Canada.

Fuck from the Joan Jerks Podcast, the second BU podcast in the Off the Rails podcast, Mr. Brian Goer. I sound like a 14 year old, but my boobs are huge. From gear. Mr. Iad, Mr. Rahi. Whoa, very nice.[00:37:00]

The great state of Tennessee, Mr. Michael McVey. Oh yeah. Go damn balls. From the staging podcast. Podcast and UVU podcast in the uh, Texas I Stand four podcast. Mr. Brunick lady shakes the one shaver with this gentle action shaving head. Especially designed for women from the Signal Path podcast, the Texas State Bo Champs podcast, and the Texas I STEM four podcast and the Paramount Plus Shadow Band profile.

Hypothetically, Mr. Tony DeGraw. That's my first, I dunno, you. Shout. Shout band tattoo from baring audio devices. Mr. Tim Nok, my man, and last indefinitely least is Joe and me. Fight my shiny metal [00:38:00] ass. Fuck you, Doug. Still no pussy for you? Yeah. Nope, not right now. Dried up this week? Yep. It went to Sweden. It did go to Sweden.

Yep. Ah, man, I got some Swedish fish, gummy beers or, or jelly beans that are fucking great. Oh yeah. I love Swedish fish. It's one of my favorite candies, but I, I don't dislike those. I think they're cool. It's casting. I know they're pretty fucking good. Uh, what are the candies? Cause Easter just, oh, I gotta go to fucking, uh, c v s and Walgreens.

See if they have any 90% off Easter candy. Yeah, my, all the sales of mine, neck of woods dried up already cuz we're already, we're past regularly eastern and we're past Greek Easter, so everything's dry. ISN it great Easter. Yeah, Greek is, is a week after regular Easter. Why? Cuz the Greek people are cheap and they want to buy their candy.

He, oh, I thought that's cuz that's the new, the Zeus came back or some shit. No, I don't know. It's Orthodox. Orthodox. Easter is a week later. I don't know why. So Doug hates, Doug hates the Portuguese and the Greek. No, I don't hate the Greeks. They just annoy [00:39:00] me sometimes. I don't like their yogurt though.

It's really grainy and not very good. My favorite yogurt is Greek yogurt. Ugh. Absolutely love it. Ugh. It's basically sour cream. I also enjoy it. Oh, I know it is. But I, I, but I like sour cream. But like, if you, would you try to make sour cream into yogurt? No. Nah. I like, it's the same thing. No, no, no. It's not.

Sour cream has a little bit of more of a sweetness to it. It's sour cream. Yeah. But it's also sweet Greek yogurt. It's fucking like, ah, bitter as fuck. Best way you like it. Yep. You're. Your mom are old man. Probably. That's true. It it suits me. It suits me just fine. Yeah. Um, I can yell at kids to get off my lawn while I eat bitter yogurt.

I do love some spanta Cota though. I will fuck up some Spanta coda. Yeah. I love Greek food. Yeah, me too. Tell me Greek food's amazing. Stink on. Yeah. Stink. What's that? Always. I always call it a stink on you. Oh yeah. Um, yes. Yeah, it always like fun foods that like, have names that like, it [00:40:00] takes you forever to figure out how to say it, but then you wanna say it all the time because it's, yes.

It's like span cota or like charcuterie. Char. I love a good, a good charcuterie. I, I do, I do. I also like a good chari board. Yeah. Charcuterie Jones, the Ohio State.

Oh man. What was the, the other one, I guess. Anyway, we gotta go. How do you say fucking that, that shitty fucking grain that everyone needs. Queen, queen, Noah. Queen. Quinoa. Quinoa. That. Quinoa. Quinoa, quinoa. I'm not gonna say it right, ever. All right. Um, um, what else is, there's like some other good foods. Like, we have like four more minutes to kill.

By the way, guys, like, so I'm trying to think of foods we can name that we can't name. I just shot our shot early cuz someone was talking about cheap fucking, you know, money. Yeah. Um, what, ah, I made, I made some good food the other day. What did I fucking make? Um, [00:41:00] oh, I made my own barbecue sauce from scratch.

It was fucking great. Really nice. Yeah, I made, um, I, I basically an instant pot. I made a, a pork loin and then I sliced it like as thin as I could slice it with a regular fucking knife. Did you use a razor blade so it would melt like the garlic and compels? I should have, you're right. I, I, I dropped them all there.

Nah, I just sliced it like fucking sushi thin. But um, I made a, uh, Dr. Pepper barbecue sauce. That's fucking delicious. So what goes in that, if you don't mind me asking? Well, Dr. Pepper obviously, obviously ketchup. Tomato paste, apple cider vinegar, shire sauce, salt pepper, paprika, um, garlic powder, onion powder, mustard powder, and um, brown sugar.

Any molasses? No molasses. Brown sugar. No brown sugar. There you go. Yeah. Okay, that makes sense. Um, and then you basically bring it to a boil and then simmer it for about 20 minutes. Shit, it fucking came on delicious. Nice. And you can add some hot sauce if you want. Add some kick to it too. [00:42:00] Yeah, yeah, sure.

But uh, I left it sweet cuz everyone in my house like sweet. Yeah. So fucking good. Um, nice. And then put on that pork that I made that thin sliced pork. Yeah. And the instant pot. Yeah. That's gotta be good. That's gotta be real good. I'm thrilled cuz I found a, and I can't remember the brand now, but a sugar free barbecue sauce that's actually really tasty.

Really flavorful. Sweet baby. Rad. Makes one. It kind of sucks. Yeah, I, I've had that and I didn't like it and I can't, I'll look up the brand. I can't remember the brand now. It ain't cheap, but it's worth it cuz I love a good barbecue sauce and it's got a, a lot of different flavors and I can use it on, you know.

Yeah, I can use, I like Stubbs. Get fucking myself up. Stubbs is good. I've always love Stubbs my favorite. You guys probably can't get up there, but it's Four Rivers. It's like four R. Yeah. That doesn't ring a bell. It's fucking delicious. I'm have to send you a couple bottles of it because, all right. It's a central Florida brand.

It's like a, a barbecue, like a. Like a barbecue place that started in Orlando, but they sell it in Publix too, that the sauce, well listen before, before Florida completely secedes from the union. Send it [00:43:00] up here. So you're not blocked by the Florida customs, right? Oh no, we're just not gonna let things come in.

We're so, oh, I see. Okay. The only thing that can come in are drugs. Nice. Okay. Cubans? Yeah. Cubans and Drugs. Drugs and Cubans. Did I ever tell you like about this dude, Mandy, that works for me, that he's a Cuban dude, but he's like super fucking like, Like a conservative Trump guy. Um, well, most of them are not, most of em's, a lot of 'em that are, yeah.

Well, he gets so pissed off. He's like, about the border. He's like, oh, all these immigrants come, these criminals come across the border. I'm like, Manny, you're just cuz you're ass. He came here in a floating 42 4 doesn't mean you're not a fucking immigrant. He gets so mad and he's like, oh, they gotta build the wall.

I'm like, what? 90 miles of ocean didn't stop you. Yeah, exactly right. You think, what's the wall gonna do with 90 miles of ocean? Won't he'll laugh? Yeah. Ah. But yeah, so I fuck with him a lot cuz why not? He deserves it. Why not? Couldn't happen to a better person. Um, also, he wants to listen to nothing but country music and it drives me [00:44:00] insane because, oh my God, oh dude, that, that's, and not like good country music, not like outlaw country music or like the seventies and eighties and.

Yeah, a little bit of the nineties. No, he wants to listen to like the modern fucking like pop country. It's like hip hop country. Nope. Alt rock country and oh, fuck that shit. It's like every song's like

I got hit my beer. All right. I gotta get my truck. I'm gonna get my cousin and we're going to fuck. That's like every fucking, uh, country song nowadays. Uh, will had to leave because he just went to get his beer in his truck to get his cousin to fuck. There you go. The fuck his cousin, I mean, he lives in the fucking like epicenter of shit country music too.

Cause he is losing Nashville. That's true. Literally it's his fault that this, this genre of music exists. It is, it is. Yeah. It's so, so will fuck you. Uh, all. Well, listen, we've, we, we've, we've contractually obligated to fill 45 minutes and we fucking did. We have 11 seconds left to get to the [00:45:00] 45 minutes and will miss Oh you fucking kidding me.

Will, yeah. Will just missed the entire thing I talked about, shit about where he's from cuz of his shitty country music. He blamed you for country music? Yeah. You live in the epicenter country. This country music, it is my fault. Bullshit, alt rock, uh, hillbilly, redneck rap, or whatever the fuck it is. Shit.

Shit's always like, bro country's always been around, bro. Yeah, but it didn't fucking leave there before. Crazy. Now it's leaving that area. I know. I would argue that back in the day, con witch witty was fucking pop country. Really? Mm-hmm. Adam, I'm okay with him now though cuz he's, he's, he's earned his stripes.

I always tell him like the fucking kids that shit when they're like, oh, this is like little Uzi or some shit like that. I'm like, all right. So in 40 years when he is still playing on the radio, then you can tell me he was good. Yeah, exactly. Like, no, don't gimme some shit that, that's not playing. You know, no one's gonna remember this in two years from now when he's released his 75th mixtape.

Yep. All right. We're done now. Yeah, now we're done. Lay up [00:46:00] bitch. Get fucked.

45 Mins of Fun
Broadcast by